  • 南洋零食—Beyown Enterprise |
  • 南洋零食—Beyown Enterprise |
  • 南洋零食—Beyown Enterprise |
  • 南洋零食—Beyown Enterprise |


Beyown Enterprise has been executing as an O2O businesses in Johor Bahru, Malaysia. Our organization possesses shop lots and factories, which acts as a manufacturer, supplier, wholesaler, and distributor of local / imported snack food for over 30 years. 

Other than company website, we have also expanded our businesses on social media, including Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube. Customers are available to visit and contact us through Messenger or WhatsApp to learn more our products and services. 

In addition, we have expanded our businesses on e-commerce platform, Shopee, which allows our customers to purchase our products by using FREE shipping voucher. Furthermore, we have also provided various shop vouchers for our customers to enjoy further discount. Customers may click the link below to access to our Shopee shop. 

We would like to express our sincere gratitude and appreciation for all the customers who are always support and trust us. We will continue to reform to strengthen our customer experience as well as enhance our customer satisfaction. Please stay tuned with us!



线下实体门店 ——联盛糖果行私人有限公司,已有超过30年的历史,拥有三间店面,位于柔佛新山皇后区。门市主要提供代理的零食与玩具批发,以及自家工厂生产的零食。




此外,我们也已经开设Shopee网店,顾客们可使用Shopee的FREE shipping voucher去购买我们的产品。南洋手信也提供其余的优惠券,顾客们可在我们的Shopee网店领取,以享受更多的折扣。有兴趣的朋友们可点击链接进入我们的Shopee 网店。



BEYOWN ENTERPRISE 201903290500 (JM0919467-H)

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